Christian Lüscher studied medicine in Switzerland. After clinical residencies in Bern and Geneva, he left for a postdoctoral fellowship at UCSF. He returned to the University of Geneva with a career development award from the Swiss National Science Foundation, where he has been a full professor since 2009.
Christian Lüscher is currently an attending in movement disorder neurology and a principal investigator at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He is the author of a comprehensive circuit model of drug addiction that has translational implications. His lab has also identified neural circuits of hedonic feeding.
He has received serval awards and distinctions, including the Peter Seeburg Prize for Integrative Neurosciences (2023), the Schaller Award (2022), and the Otto Naegeli Prize (2020). He has been a two-time awardee of an ERC Advanced grant.He serves on many committees and advisory boards (e.g., CIBR Beijing), and his expertise is often sought after by the media.He has mentored 50+ young scientists who have pursued very successful and diverse careers, ranging from patent layers to tenured PIs.
Speaker: 梅林
Time: 14:00-14:50 Sep.27
Title: 神经肌肉接头形成的分子机制和相关疾病
梅林博士,毕业于江西医学院(现南昌大学),获军事医学科学院硕士学位(神经药理),亚利桑那大学博士学位(药理毒理),在霍普金斯大学完成博士后训练。先后在弗吉尼亚大学和阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校医学院任助理教授、副教授;乔治亚医学院教授,分子医学和遗传研究所所长和神经科学与再生医学系创始主任。2017-2023,凯斯西储大学医学院神经科学系Allen C. Holmes讲席教授、系主任和克利夫兰脑健康计划创始主任。2023年3月全职回国,首都医学科学创新中心特聘研究员和创始主任(2023年11月起)。